October 2023 Spend

Lilly Chan
2 min readOct 31, 2023

Recapping what I spent in October 2023 and going over my November 2023 budget.

Photo by Joseph Gonzalez on Unsplash

October 2023 Spend: $7,715 vs $4,995

Mortgage: 35% vs 56%

Groceries: 1% vs 8%

Shopping: 0% vs 2%

Dining Out: 15% vs 12%

Health: 0% vs 8%

Transportation: 0% vs 1%

Work: 0% vs 0%

Gifts: 0% vs 2%

Membership: 0% vs 1%

Travel: 2% vs 2%

Misc: 45% vs 1%

Subscription: 0% vs 1%

Charity: 1% vs 1%

Entertainment: 0% vs 1%

House: 1% vs 4%

Taxes: 0% vs 0%

Decided to take the plunge and tackle estate planning hence the large spending in the “Misc” category. We had a vacation in October so we spent more in dining out and travel. I also have been eating out more due to restaurant week. I realized that I’ve been inputting the mortgage incorrectly so for the past few months, I’ve paid ~$15 less but due to the negligible difference, I’m not updating the past few months spending summary.

November 2023 Budget: $4,995

Mortgage: 56%

Groceries: 8%

Shopping: 2%

Dining Out: 16%

Health: 4%

Transportation: 1%

Work: 0%

Gifts: 2%

Membership: 1%

Travel: 2%

Misc: 1%

Subscription: 1%

Charity: 1%

Entertainment: 1%

House: 4%

Taxes: 0%

My goal for the rest of the year is no shopping meaning no new clothes or skincare unless something has to be replaced. Especially with hiring a lawyer, I’ve been feeling a lot of guilt around spending. Since there are only a few months left in the year, I think it’s doable for me to not buy any new clothes or skincare until 2024. I’m visiting family soon and there is an expectation that I may be picking up some skincare and clothes from them, so that should hold me over until next year. We are traveling for the holidays so I increased the dining out budget as we tend to eat out. Goal for the rest of the year is to spend time with friends and family.



Lilly Chan

Hey! I’m a 20-something year old who loves discussing self improvement. I’ve worked in operations and product at tech companies.